How to make an office chair more comfortable

Research suggests the average office worker sits for up to 15 hours per day. Not surprisingly, all that sitting is associated with a higher risk of muscle and joint issues (as well as diabetes, heart disease, and depression).

While many of us know sitting all day isn’t exactly great for our bodies and minds. What’s a committed office worker to do?

One piece of the puzzle lies in making your desk seating more ergonomic. This has two benefits: Sitting takes less of a toll on your body, and you’ll stave off the discomfort that makes it harder to focus at work. No matter whether you sit for 10 hours a day or two, here’s how to make an office chair more comfortable.

Aside from adopting proper posture, here are eight ways to make yourself more comfortable while sitting at a desk.

1.Support your lower back.
Many desk workers complain of lower back pain, and the solution might be as close as the nearest lumbar support pillow.
2.Consider adding a seat cushion.
If a lumbar support pillow doesn’t cut it or you simply find yourself craving even more support, then it might be time to add a seat cushion to your desk chair setup.
3.Make sure your feet don’t dangle.
If you’re on the shorter side and your feet don’t rest flat on the ground when you sit in your office chair, this issue has a quick fix: Simply use an ergonomic footrest.
4.Use a wrist rest.
When you type and use a mouse while sitting at a desk all day long, your wrists can really take a beating. Adding a gel wrist rest to your desk setup can be a great way to reduce strain on your wrists.
5.Raise your monitor to eye level.
Sitting in a desk chair and gazing down at a laptop or desktop computer screen all day is a recipe for neck strain. Go easier on your spine by raising your laptop or monitor to eye level so you only have to gaze straight ahead to look at your screen.
6.Hold reference documents at eye level.
It reduces neck strain because you don’t have to keep glancing down to read from the document.
7.Adjust your office lighting.
changing up your office lighting can make it more comfortable to look at your screen. Start by investing in a few lamps with multiple lighting settings so you can customize the intensity of the light and where it lands on your computer and desk.
8.Add some greenery.
Research finds live plants can purify office air, reduce stress, and improve mood.

With these eight ways, then nothing makes an office chair more comfortable than feeling happy while you sit in it!

Post time: Apr-09-2022