Staff office chair placement principles

Generally, the position of the office chair is determined by the layout of the office desk, after the position of the office desk is set, most employees can not choose the chair position, but you can improve your working environment by understanding the following key geomantic conditions. 

1. Do not face the leader's office.

If you are sitting, and the opposite is the leader's office, from a psychological point of view, always thinking about your every move is vulnerable to intervention, there is pressure, resulting in you can not concentrate on the work, efficiency is greatly reduced.

2, Do not choose a glass desk to match the office chair

Now many companies like to use desk with glass top, so it looks empty, from the perspective of feng shui, referring to the business is not practical.

3. Don't place desks and office chairs under sidewalk windows

Office desks and office chairs placed under the sidewalk windows will be vulnerable to outside intervention and snooping, which is not conducive to people's health and work. 

4. Office desks and office chairs are not close to the toilet

The toilet means dirty, and the position of the office desk and chair near the toilet wall is not conducive to people's transportation, and the front and back of the office can not face the toilet door. 

5. Office desks and office chairs hedge the corner of the cabinet or the corner of the room

Some office chair positions rushed to the corner of the cabinet or the corner of the room, then it is easy to conflict in the work, and the upper and lower levels are not concerted. 

The office chair is the furniture that everyone can not do without. It also has feng shui, different chairs are suitable for different people, sitting on different chairs, there are different meanings of good luck and bad luck.

Post time: Jun-25-2023