What injuries will e-sports people face? How can it be prevented?

According to the 2016 China Game Industry Report compiled by China Phonological And Digital Game Association, Gamma Data and International Data Corporation, the number of Chinese client game users reached 156 million in 2016. The 156 million e-sports and online game players often sit next to their computers to play games. What are the injuries they may encounter? What kind of sitting posture can prevent it?


1. Injuries among e-sports crowd
In recent years, the age of patients with cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation is getting younger, including a large number of young e-sports people.
Since e-sports people sit at the computer desk for a long time, the body bends forward, so that muscles, ligaments, fascia, joint capsule and other soft tissues are in a state of tension for a long time; and the muscles of the neck beyond the physiological load after fatigue, causing a sterile inflammation that will produce edema in the muscle fascia, these edema are the factors to stimulate the nerve endings to produce pain.
Because of this strain on the muscle, the cervical disc degenerates and produces hyperosteogeny. The disc directly compresses the cervical and shoulder nerves, causing pain by the nerves, and then causes cervical spondylosis and lumbar disc herniation. In addition to waist and cervical spine diseases, hand injuries and sleep problems caused by staying up late are also at risk.


2. What kind of sitting position should e-sports crowd use?
Many e-sports players engage in the "standard error posture" of bending over while using a computer. This posture can cause neck and lower back pain, causing neck and shoulder pain, pressure on brachial plexus nerves, numbness in the fingers, and difficulty breathing. So how should e-sports people sit?
The right way to sit is to pull your chin and head back over your shoulders, draw your shoulder blades back and rotate your arms slightly outward to open your chest, while your shoulder blades drop down so your collarbone is as flat as possible. Spine straightening allows the center of gravity of the upper body to fall on the ischium, and the waist and abdomen to maintain a certain degree of tightness to maintain the spine posture. And your feet are straight in front of your knees, your feet, your knees are straight in front. Staying in this position for too long may also cause some muscle fatigue and pelvic instability, so consider resting your back against the back of your chair, avoiding leaning your head forward when using the computer, keeping your shoulder blades sinking and not hunching.


After talking about the physical injuries the e-sports players can encounter and the right way to sit, we found that a good seat should help you get used to a good sitting position, keeping your spine, head and neck in a comfortable position. That is “Gaming Chair”, which is specially designed for e-sports players. And what Gaming Chair Brands are good? That is GDHERO Gaming Chairs, various excellent gaming chairs for your choice!


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Post time: Jun-10-2022